Friday, November 5, 2010

Go Lionheads!

I just want to wish Theresa lots of luck this next week as she presents her lionheads to the ARBA at the National ARBA Convention for her first presentation!

Theresa (Pridelands Rabbitry) has wonderful lionheads and I have no doubt that if anyone can get them passed it will be Theresa. If she doesn't next week she will continue to work hard to continue and improve the breed and prepare for next year.

This breed has been very challenging but due to persistant, patient and hard working lionhead breeders the breed is improving more and more every year. I have no doubt that someday it will become a recognized breed and overflow in popularity even more than it is as a non-recognized breed.

Thank You to all the lionhead breeders for getting the breed where it is today and continuing to improve it and Thank You Theresa for all of you hard work and for giving it another try next week.