About Us

My name is Regina Mayhugh.  I am from Circleville, OH.  I have been raising rabbits since I was three years old.  We started with mix breeds that my dad raised for meat. Mom and Dad said that when dad was wanting to get rid of them I would not let him and I would take care of them.  Obviously I do not remember that but I do not remember my life without rabbits.  When I was ten I started showing in 4-H and ARBA shows. I became very active in 4-H and when I was in high school I was also very active in FFA.  My rabbits were both my 4-H and FFA projects.  I won rabbit showmanship every year I showed at our county fair, won my rabbit project either every year or pretty close to it and even had Grand Champion Market Rabbit twice with bunnies that I raised, both were very proud moments for me.  As part of my FFA project I won the State Proficiency Award in Specialty Animal and FFA State Degree through my rabbit project.  As you can see I have had rabbits forever and they have been a huge part of my life.  I have had almost every breed in my barn as some point or another. 

I purchased my first lionhead in Feb of 2003. He was a SM Seal buck who I called Scruffy, as he really did not have much mane. This show was the first time I had seen them.  I bred him to a holland doe as I only had him and got two cute SM broken does that I remember keeping (I do not remember what else was in the litter).  One had lopped ears and one did not. 

I later started getting stock, such as Tiara's Bumble, Tiara's Topsey, Bastet's Martini, Richardson's Alabaster Jr., etc and the adventure began!

I now hold a COD (Certificate of Development) for the varieties of Otter & Sable Marten. I do have other colors and offer a variety of colors to sell.

I also have a handful of Netherland Dwarfs, Dutch and New Zealands (hope to have bunnies this fall) and San Juans. I also have 1 Flemish Giant doe and looking for a buck.