How are the other breeders doing with bunnies this year? Here at RRH we gave the bunnies a break over the summer- dumb move! But I think MAYBE we may finally be getting some little ones. We have the first round this week, and of course the weather is suppose to be yucky the second half of the week compared to the beginning of the week here in Ohio, so we shall see. I am all prepared to bring bunnies into the house if we get lucky enough to get them so cross your fingers.
Once the does start going again and we start keeping bunnies, we will be listing breeding stock for sale, so keep checking back as we will list anyone we plan to sell here on the blog.
In the meantime, let's hear who has some cute little bunnies and if you sign up to follow my blog you can also show off your bunnies by sending me photos and I will upload them. Happy Hopping!